New Internet is Here with Boys Club — Natasha Hoskins

Episode Summary

Natasha Hoskins is a creator, brand builder and Co-Founder of Boys Club. A social collective bringing a new voice to the new internet. Product studio and media company. Best known for their parties, community, podcasts, interviews with crypto builders, memes, merch and a newsletter. I ask Natasha about their experiences building a social collective brand in crypto, how they designed their DAO, how they are thinking about audiences, and making collaborative releases like printing a physical zine.

Episode Notes

Natasha Hoskins is a creator, brand builder and Co-Founder of Boys Club. A social collective bringing a new voice to the new internet. Product studio and media company. Best known for their parties, community, podcasts, interviews with crypto builders, memes, merch and a newsletter.

In this episode we talk about the Boys Club origins from Natasha getting intro’d into crypto by her co-founder Deana Burke. To a full capacity dinner event for predominantly women interested in web3. Going on to hold bigger and better parties.

I ask Natasha about their experiences building a social collective brand in crypto, how they designed their DAO, how they are thinking about audiences, and making collaborative releases like printing a physical zine ~ distributing by hand across South by Southwest.


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