Exploring Web3 Collectives with Folklore — Rafa

Episode Summary

Rafa is a web3 creator, writer, and operations specialist. Crafting lore and exploring web3 collectives, combining org design theory with digital community building. Most recently he worked at Mirror as their Community and Growth Lead. He's the founder of Folklore, a community exploring long-form articles related to belonging, lorecraft, human relationships, and digital realms.

Episode Notes

Rafa is a web3 creator, writer, and operations specialist. Crafting lore and exploring web3 collectives, combining org design theory with digital community building. Most recently he worked at Mirror as their Community and Growth Lead.

He's the founder of Folklore, a community exploring long-form articles related to belonging, lorecraft, human relationships, and digital realms.

He’s the Co-Founder of Local, working with artisans in Puerto Rico on a project that offers a space to collect NFT art that’s redeemable for high quality artisanal craft, experimenting with a more sustainable and just model enabled by NFTs.

Since soon after the launch of UFO in September 2022, Rafa has been in the loop as a creative thinker, someone to jam with about ideas on strategy and community formation as we experiment. He helped our team with the launch of the UFO Genesis Pass with a subscribe to mint on Mirror in November with over 7800 NFT mints in 3 days.

In this episode, we go right into these topics of web3 media and communities, the creator playbook, about NFTs as unlocks, earning ownership in protocols and DAOs through participation and effort.


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Yup is the best of web3 all in one feed. Aggregating content across Lens, Farcaster, Mirror, NFTs, and Crypto Twitter. Search across platforms, customize your feed, and show off your NFTs and POAPS on your profile. Visit yup.io